Most of the biggest challenges we face in the ward can't be solved by local action alone, that's why it's important to have an Alderperson who can be a successful legislator.
Because of ward advocacy, Maria was able to help bring life rings to all of Chicago's Lake Michigan access points and piers through the Lake Michigan Rescue Equipment Act. Following the heat-related deaths of neighbors at the James Sneider apartments, Maria immediately worked to prevent similar tragedies by firming up city laws concerning cooling and heating systems, with the Heating and Cooling Ordinance passed just five weeks later. For the last four years, she has worked tirelessly to instate legislation, services, and programs like these that directly reflect the needs of our local community and, as a result, positively enable Chicago as a whole. Maria has been one of the most successful legislators in Council this term in passing legislation. Below are a few highlights of her first-term accomplishments.

Legislative Successes
COVID Senior Safety Protections Ordinance
Juneteenth Holiday city-wide recognition
Fossil Fuel Divestment Ordinance
Connected Communities Ordinance (advancing the Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Policy Plan)
Abortion & Gender Affirming Care Protections (Bodily Autonomy Sanctuary City Ordinance)
Gender-based Violence Funding
Mental Health Crisis Response Teams
Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Funding

Services & Programs
Life rings along the shoreline (the Lake Michigan Rescue Equipment Act )
In progress
Anjanette Young Ordinance Coalition
securing funding for the pool at Sullivan High School